Support RAL through events.
We host five annual signature events and we invite you to join us. Whether you’d like to consider a corporate sponsorship, or just want to attend and have fun, we look forward to having you!
Our Signature Events
This family-friendly spring festival includes adoptable animals from groups across the state, live music, special local vendors, games and more.
Our calendar contest supports our living saving programs through peer-to-peer fundraising. Participants who raise the most money win a professional photo session and one of the 13 coveted spots in the calendar.
During this multi-week adoption event where we drop our adoptions fees to just $10, extend our visitation hours and help find as many animals homes as possible before the holidays.
A fun cocktail fundraiser that features sweet and savory delights from local eateries as well as a silent auction, art displays, and everything nice!
Annual golf tournament established by Emily’s friends and family to honor her memory and love of animals.
Sponsor an Event
Show your support for saving animals' lives with a corporate sponsorship for any or all of our signature events.
Sponsorships come with great benefits including free attendance and special recognition at our events, inclusion in our promotional materials, and promotion through our newsletters, social media outlets, website, and press releases.
Those who sponsor three out of the four events, at any level, will be recognized on the homepage of our website as one of our “Annual Partners.”
For more information on Corporate Sponsorship, contact Lauren Decker at
Host an Event
We are so honored and appreciative when businesses, groups, and individuals decide to host fundraisers to benefit Richmond Animal League. These fundraisers make a big difference in the lives of dogs and cats at RAL. Fundraisers can vary in type and size and can go from your standard corner lemonade stands, local car washes, community garage sales, to even bigger events.
If you are interested in organizing and hosting your own event to support RAL, please review our guidelines below to help make your event a success. To provide us with a better understanding of your event, please fill out this form as completely as possible.
Questions? Give us a call at 804-379-0046 ext: 1118 or email We would love to learn about your event!
RAL Event News