Are you in need of Pet Food Assistance?
Richmond Animal League’s Pet Pantry offers free pet food (dog and cat) to those in need.
RAL’s Pet Pantry is stocked entirely with donated pet food, so we are limited in what we can offer.
The pantry is open 24/7 and stocked as donations arrive.
If our pantry is empty, we have a list below of other pet pantries in the Richmond Area.
Other Area Pet Pantries
Richmond SPCA Pet Pantry - pet pantry accessible 7 days a week between 8am - 5pm at their shelter at 2519 Hermitage Rd, Richmond, VA
Richmond Animal Care & Control Pet Pantry - stop by the RACC shelter at 1600 Chamberlayne Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222, during regular business hours, and let their staff know how many pets you have and your address to pick up food.
Furbish Thrift - accessible pet pantry at their store at 2833 Hathaway Rd, Richmond, VA
Belmont United Methodist Church - part of their community resource services
RVA Free Pet Pantry Project - A Richmond Virginia area collection of FREE Pet Pantries. Give what you can - Take what you need.
Liz’s Place - pet pantry at Liz’s Place, Sanctuary Rescue’s Resource Center at 16916 Hull Street Rd. *Message them to schedule a pickup time.
Chesterfield Animal Services - 24/7 pet food pantry. 9300 Public Works Dr, Chesterfield VA 23832
Do you know of a pet pantry in our area that should be listed? Let us know!
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